- run
- 1. verb
she ran across the road
Syn:sprint, race, dart, rush, dash, hasten, hurry, scurry, scamper, bolt, fly, gallop, career, charge, shoot, hurtle, speed, zoom, go like lightning, go hell-bent for leather, go like the wind, go like a bat out of hell; jog, trot; informal tear, pelt, scoot, hotfoot it, leg it, belt, zip, whip, bomb, hightail it, barrel2)the robbers turned and ran
Syn:flee, run away, run off, run for it, take flight, make off, take off, take to one's heels, make a break for it, bolt, make one's getaway, escape; informal beat it, clear off, clear out, vamoose, skedaddle, split, leg it, scram, light out, take a powder, make tracks3)he ran in the marathon
Syn:compete, take part, participate4)a shiver ran down my spine
Syn:go, pass, slide, move, travel5)he ran his eye down the list
Syn:cast, pass, skim, flick6)the road runs the length of the valley
Syn:extend, stretch, reach, continue7)water ran from the eaves
Syn:flow, pour, stream, gush, flood, cascade, roll, course, spill, trickle, drip, dribble, leak8)a bus runs to Sorrento
Syn:travel, go9)I'll run you home
Syn:drive, take, bring, ferry, chauffeur, give someone a ride/lift10)he runs a mail-order company
Syn:be in charge of, manage, direct, control, head, govern, supervise, superintend, oversee; operate, conduct, own11)it's expensive to run a car
Syn:maintain, keep, own, possess, have; drive12)they ran some tests
Syn:carry out, do, perform, execute13)he left the engine running
Syn:operate, function, work, go; idle14)the lease runs for twenty years
Syn:be valid, last, be in effect, be operative, continue, be effective15)the show ran for two years
Syn:be staged, be performed, be on, be mounted, be screened16)he ran for president
Syn:be a candidate for, stand for, be a contender for17)the paper ran the story
Syn:publish, print, feature, carry, put out, release, issue18)they run drugs
Syn:smuggle, traffic in, deal in19)they were run out of town
Syn:chase, drive, hound2. noun1)his morning run
Syn:sprint, jog, dash, gallop, trot2)she did the school run
Syn:route, journey; circuit, round, beat3)an unbeaten run of victories
Syn:series, succession, sequence, string, chain, streak, spell, stretch, spate4)a run on umbrellas
Syn:demand for, rush on5)they had the run of the house
Syn:free use of, unrestricted access to6)the usual run of movies
Syn:type, kind, sort, variety, class7)a dog run
Syn:enclosure, pen, coop8)a toboggan run
Syn:slope, track, piste, trail, slide9)a run in her pantyhose
Syn:rip, tear, snag, hole, pull; Brit. ladder•- run away- run down- run high- run in- run into- run low- run off- run on- run out- run over- run to
Thesaurus of popular words. 2014.